ADF Reforms


Most recently, the Australian Defence Force underwent a number of reforms, including the closing of the 5th Aviation Regiment as well as the opening of two special operations units, the 6th Aviation Regiment and the 2nd Commando Regiment. This comes with the appointment of a Special Operations Commander, Australia.

Many individuals have questioned this new restructure. It has meant that the Australian Army now fields more special operations units then ordinary units. Troubles struck the regiment when its original regimental headquarters, including now Regimental Sergeant Major of the Army DestinyLeviathan, resigned from the regiment to join SASR. Now, only a month later the once largest and most active regiment of the ADF finally closed its doors.

In its place, the 6th Aviation Regiment, under the command of former SASR RSM, has been introduced as one of two new Special Operations Command Regiments. The 6th Aviation Regiment is expected to be similar to the 5th, however the recruitment process will remain selective as expected from a SOCOMD unit. 

Criticisim of this restructure has been phenomenal, with many vocal critics questioning the purpose of so many SOCOMD units. Only time will truly tell if this was a positive of negative change for the ADF, and we strongly urge critics to wait the reforms out.


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